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How To Be Compassionate Under Stress


FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

How To Be Compassionate Under Stress

Joseph Clough

Every day I get many emails asking me questions for advice on certain subjects, issues or topics. This weeks question came from Bill.

"Compassion would be a very interesting format coming from you and well I would like to tap into. As a caregiver, I want to be on top of my game and compassion and heartfelt caring is paramount. I must be sincere with myself as well as those I care for and care about; time wears and erodes one's self when faced with repetitious tasks on a daily basis and irritability will surface, that I can't allow. Joseph's expertise has enlightened me in many areas where others have failed, so I'm confident he will see something in my request for many beside myselfBest holidays to you and crew. Bill"

Well Bill, here is my answer!

Using my self help and hypnosis/hypnotherapy CDs/MP3 downloads or my free hypnosis apps you will make changes, now is the time to soar!